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Minnesota, Maple Cookie Sandwiches for Fall
Jen the Juggler. Perhaps that should be my new business card? I don’t have apples, oranges or face-paint, but I do have 15 different tasks, responsibilities and “to-do” items floating right round. It’s an every day game of catch the baby, toss the laundry, and keep my eye on dinner....
the magic of "a little bit from scratch' oh baby! costume
by Jennifer Prod (Photos by Tyler Lauer) “Why not get the whole family involved and be something that’s better together? You know, like coffee & The WSJ, PTO and frequent flyer miles, or brunch and rooftops?” I tried to put a Minnesota spin on the costume – Paul Bunyon and...
"Dating" with a Pint-Sized Plus One
by Jennifer Prod (Photos courtesy of Jennifer Prod) Lights, camera, action! The stars (meteors, Mr. Matt Damon, etc.) light up the night-sky, and the new parents get comfy with apple-cider and popcorn. Teenagers snuggle to the left, a family of seven grills on the right, and the baby sleeps happily...
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