OOOHHHH Baby! it’s cold outside!! At least in our home base of Minnesota. Which brings us all to WARM thoughts…one of which is Valentine’s Day!
How do I love thee? Let me count the ways….This post is for those who have lots of love to give, but maybe waited until the last minute to show it. So before a special dinner date this evening or to bring home a surprise for someone you love today, WE ARE HERE TO HELP!
Check out our websites at both and for some wonderful and out-of-the-box ideas to tell those closest to you “I LOVE YOU” in a very special way. Need a few suggestions? Well, how about a linen pillow that says “ LOVE YOU”?? The ideas are endless.
We would love to help you at any of our locations: Wayzata, The Galleria and Excelsior. We have LOTS of items already tagged just for you. Not only home furnishings but clothing for the little loves in your lives.
Appreciate those close to you and let them know you love them.
The staff at Oh Baby! and Que Sera