At Happy Family, we're lucky enough to work with gorgeous clothing and furniture all day-- but we never forget that there's so many little kids around without socks on their tiny feet and cozy beds to sleep in. One of the most fantastic charities around that works with families living in poverty, illness, or disaster is K.I.D.S, Kids in Distressed Situations. Their mission is exactly what the world needs more of:
"The idea behind K.I.D.S. is simple. One caring response to one child in the crisis of poverty, with a donation of one new piece of clothing, a pair of shoes, a toy or book of their own. It’s about one gift, to one child at a time that builds hope, self-esteem and an opportunity to succeed. Now multiply that by hundreds of thousands... even millions... and you can see how you can help us make a difference in the lives of children dealing with poverty everyday."
We recently donated over $52,000 worth of clothes, blankets, shoes, accessories, bedding, and outerwear to K.I.D.S, and couldn't be happier that it will be going to children who really do need it the most!
Do you have any other favorite children's charities in need of supplies? We'd love to hear from you!